James Martin SJ, how can we build a bridge between the church and the LGBT community?
In the fifth episode of “kontrovers katholisch” (“controversial catholic”) Father James Martin SJ from New York City is our guest. For five years, the Jesuit priest has been intensively involved in building a bridge between the church and the LGBTIQ community – a few days ago he even received support by mail from Pope Francis. What has been his experience in the last years? Why is he currently looking with hope at the church in Germany - and especially at the Synodal Path? And what tips does he give for becoming active in your own parish and supporting LGBT people?
The summary of the MHG study mentioned in the podcast can be found...
...here in English: https://www.dbk.de/fileadmin/redaktion/diverse_downloads/dossiers_2018/MHG-Study-eng-Endbericht-Zusammenfassung.pdf
...here in German: https://www.zi-mannheim.de/fileadmin/user_upload/downloads/forschung/forschungsverbuende/MHG-Studie-Endbericht-Zusammenfassung.pdf
Email for feedback: kontroverskatholisch@bdkj.de
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